Microsoft has opened its local data centers in Pune, Mumbai and Chennai. The core idea behind this is to provide cloud services to governments, businesses and citizens. The datacenters are inaugurated by the chief minister of Maharashtra, Devendra Fadnavis and chief minister of Tamil Nadu, J. Jayalalithaa. CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella has announced that the company would be offering its Azure cloud services from local data centers in India by the end of this year.
“Governments, large businesses, small and medium businesses (SMBs) and citizens can use the massive computing power now available locally to fuel India’s inclusive growth, spur innovation and accelerate digital transformation,” said Microsoft India.
CM of Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis said that the government will utilize Microsoft's cloud services to host a variety of digital services improving overall governance and boost productivity. Entrepreneurs selected by Tamil Nadu government will be allowed to access Microsoft's software development platform free of cost for three months.
As per reports of Microsoft, it has become the first public cloud provider from India. The company hopes that the banking and finance sector, government agencies and state-owned enterprises will be able to take advantage of local data residency. It will also help businesses dealing with large data volumes, by way of reduced network distances and lower latency.
CM of Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis said that the government will utilize Microsoft's cloud services to host a variety of digital services improving overall governance and boost productivity. Entrepreneurs selected by Tamil Nadu government will be allowed to access Microsoft's software development platform free of cost for three months.
As per reports of Microsoft, it has become the first public cloud provider from India. The company hopes that the banking and finance sector, government agencies and state-owned enterprises will be able to take advantage of local data residency. It will also help businesses dealing with large data volumes, by way of reduced network distances and lower latency.
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